It would be helpful if we could add a credit line into the bookings, as a dollar value and also a percentage. When clients are in country often things are refunded due to weather etc. A -minus cost function would be helpful. I believe we could do it in the old TW .net. Comments from Asimina: Hello we offer to our clients a 2% savings off their trips (minus the cost of flights) and we don’t know how to correctly apply it in Tourwriter. Note in the old Tourwriter we used to apply it on the itinerary and put in a negative value. The new Tourwriter does not offer this and after connecting with support this feature is not yet available. So as an example: Trip Cost $1TT0,000 – (air $2,000 in which we don't add the 2% savings) = $8,000 x .02 (check savings) = $160 is the savings. Thus trip cost $10,000 - $160 (2% check savings not including flights) = Final Trip Cost for the clients $9840 – Final Display Price. And from the $9840 we would then figure out the 25% deposit and their final payment.