We would like any new services booked with a supplier not to be grouped with the original booking. Currently if we add a service (e.g. an additional transfer or an activity at a property) if a service has already been booked and confirmed the new service automatically shows as confirmed. We need it to default as un-requested and not confirmed. It would be useful afterwards to be able to group confirmed services for the same supplier and to be able to ungroup them if you wish to see the individual services - e.g. Air NZ - see all separate flights booked.
Note from Tourwriter:
By default Items in an itinerary that share the same supplier are grouped. This is useful most of the time however is a pain if some items need to be in a different status or payments are made at different times.
So we are going through a process over the months of July and Aug to leave items ungrouped by default and introducing more functions to make it easy to still Book items or pay for items together still.