Own accommodation resource or own arrangements items?
Gillian Buckley-Ahipara
If possible, it would be great to have an accommodation resource that can be added to itineraries with the in-out dates where clients have booked a hotel/Airbnb etc direct. It would mean we can add the location easily without having to create a new supplier each time. It would need to have the lat & long field (to update those on a case-by-case basis), so that it shows up on the map and in the accommodation list.
Elan Norway
If it's an AirBnB like (that i don't want to register as a supplier)-> Ressources
If it's an hotel that i have already registred as a supplier (or could be registred)-> Accomodations
Jason Bragg
Hi. Thanks for your post. We are working on ways to better manage and display Products that are 'Own arrangements' and I think this post falls under this concept. There is lots to be considered and using Resources for this purpose is one option. Another is applying a 'Status/Tag' or any item type (ie Acc or Activity or Transport) so your existing supplier data could be used and tagged as Own arrangements. They would display in the itinerary as they currently do but would have 'Own arrangements' status displaying on the itinerary and any pricing etc usually associated would be hidden.
It would be helpful if voters could offer their views on whether they would prefer own arrangement items you include for your travellers display as Resources or normal Accommodation items when voting. Thanks