Display price to include the % margin percentage value
in progress
Amazila Travel
There is no final override field in the new TW. We use this option to calculate our final profit margins, rather than using the sum of the gross prices for each service. Even if we pin or lock all the gross amounts, the sum always changes.
We need the Display price field to automatically show the margin percentage, as it did in the old version of TW.
Jason Bragg
in progress
Foundation work on this starts today. Potentially 2 or 3 sprints required.
Jason Bragg
Elan Norway
A suggestion On Suppliers Payments Tabs
Jason Bragg
under review
Frogs in NZ
If I may add, we need the % displayed based on the Diplay price and not the recorded supplier net prices! Otherwise we don't know our real margin %!
Elan Norway
Frogs in NZ : completly agree