Audit trail of reconfirmation emails
It is important for us to see that re-confirmation emails have been sent and received and are able to be replied to - this is an important operational tool to double check itineraries as they get closer. Also important to be able to add notes on an itnerary basis that flows through to all supplier emails rather than copying and pasting supplier by supplier
Cara - Ahipara
Jason, the reconfirmation, is working really well - thank you!! However, would it be possible to have a button suppliers can click to reconfirm so it updates automatically in TWO? Just like when they confirm a booking request? Although it is amazing to see the reconfirmation has gone out, there is nowhere for them to actually click to reconfirm it, so they email and then we manually have to go in and change the status.
Jason Bragg
Jason Bragg
in progress