Assign a single supplier payment to more than one booking in an itinerary
Marieke CHATAIGNER- E-tahiti
Would it be possible to enter a supplier payment for multiple items at once? We have itineraries with multiple bookings for the same supplier. We only make one payment to the supplier but we need to mark each booking one at a time.
As it is already configured in .NET, you just need to enter the total invoice amount, and TW.NET will automatically distribute the total across the different items.
Jason Bragg
1.66.0 Bulk action to Mark all payments for a supplier as Paid.
N2S Italia
is there a way to look it reverse instead? so if i have a montly supplier invoice, but applicable to services of multiple itineraries. i was doing this on Supplier Payments tab in .net, can't find a way to replicate this in .online. I've tried doing some reports in Zoho, but not succesfully - even because it will remain a report, so I won't be able to do any action there..
Jason Bragg
in progress
The upcoming release 1.66.00 includes a new feature for bulk action to Mark as paid all payments at the same time. We will also include the Xero integration for supplier payments which will automate the reconciliation of payments.