Version: 1.65.0
Updates to bookings (grouping & traveller info)
- Individual Bookings:Bookings are now ungrouped, meaning each line item has its own separate booking. While bookings are still visually grouped by supplier, each one can have its own status, booking reference, notes, etc. This change also removes certain restrictions in the builder.
- Streamlined Supplier Responses:Booking emails for multiple bookings now include a single "Respond to request" button, allowing suppliers to respond to all bookings on one page. Suppliers can select different responses, booking references, and notes for each booking from the same page.
- Updated Booking Vouchers:Booking vouchers now group bookings by supplier.
- Ungrouped Supplier Payments:Supplier payments are now ungrouped, with each payment corresponding to a single item. Existing supplier payments for multiple items have been split into one primary payment and additional payments with an amount of 0.00, accompanied by a warning message.
- Traveller Details in Booking Emails:You can now include traveller details in booking emails. A "Traveller Details" option is available in booking email settings, allowing you to configure which of the 51 traveller fields are included for each product type. If a booking email contains multiple product types, traveller details for all types will be included.
- First Day Rate Pricing:You can now calculate prices based on the first day's rate for all days in a booking. This option is available on the "Options" page for each product.
Other Enhancements & Improvements
- New toggles in booking voucher export.
- Option to re-label the incoming payments statement as an "Invoice".
- Payment schedules can now be applied when Xero beta integration is active.
- Improved default behavior of "Custom" product type checkboxes.
- Updated media library interfaces.
- Enhanced design of the supplier rates table.
- Consistent dialog closing behavior.
- Removal of legacy itinerary statuses from the Setup page.
- Updated terms and conditions link.
- Resolved an issue where add-on dates were not updated when items were dragged between days.
- Fixed the "Show icons" toggle not appearing when exporting itinerary PDFs.
- Corrected the ability to save an enquiry with an end date but no start date.
- Fixed issues with editing quantities of multiple options for an item.
- Ensured consistent ordering of items on pricing and booking pages.
- Resolved issues with importing suppliers with invalid margin types.
- Fixed inconsistent search results in global search.
- Corrected the display of rates warning messages.
- Fixed inactive itineraries showing up in global search.
- Fixed zero prices not displaying in booking emails.
- Ensured consistent font styles across the app.
- Fixed wrapping issues with dates in Itinerary Summary exports.
- Corrected item names after refreshing.
- Fixed a spelling error in default amenities.
- Resolved issues disconnecting a Xero organisation when an error occurs.
- Fixed pages not loading after changing itinerary dates.
- Corrected rates being used after changing the rate period type.