
Version: 1.64.0

Other Improvements

General Improvements:
  • Add reusable itinerary introductions: select an existing "Information" resource from the library or save a new introduction to the resource library.
  • Ability to set default start times for products: a time can be marked as the default time which will be automatically selected when adding the product.
  • When no product start times are set, supplier start times will be used.
  • Manually enter an email address when sending booking emails
  • Include locations in booking emails
  • Incoming payments and supplier payments are now included in the global search
  • A total average sales tax is applied to pricing tab when "Sales tax" margin type is selected
  • Ability to use itinerary display price for incoming payments
  • Tooltip information: why quantity can't be edited for an item with a locked price
  • Add locations for direction resources to Business Reporting Tool.
  • Ability to set prices that would lead to negative markups.
  • Remember the "margin type" setting on the itinerary pricing tab
  • Booking update emails (as a result of supplier confirmation) using the default CC email address
  • Improved text in dialog when itinerary status is changed
  • Improved text of supplier confirmation button in booking emails
  • Increased the maximum width of the itinerary pricing page to prevent need for horizontal scrolling
Bug fixes:
  • Visual overlap of dates in itinerary summary PDF
  • The default amount due when creating incoming payments
  • Visual issue when the product name is long
  • Visual issue on product "Times and locations" page
  • Various inconsistent font styles
  • Agent price being calculated incorrectly, when agent commission is equal to usual markup setup.
  • Global search sometimes showing old results
  • Rich text not being formatted correctly in booking request update email
  • Changes to booking email settings at the organisation level not applying immediately
  • Being unable to import traveller contact when the emergency contact type is "sibling"
  • Hidden items not being included in the subtotals in the itinerary summary PDF